Welcome to our site!
Seattle School Retirees Association
The Seattle School Retirees Association (SSRA) is one of the State Units of The Washington State School Retirees’ Association (WSSRA).There are more than 16,000 retired school employees represented by the WSSRA and the SSRA is one of the largest units with over 1,100 members.
WSSRA aims to enhance the security and vitality of our retirement years.We welcome all present and future TRS, PERS, and SERS retirees. We provide per-retiree and pro-education advocacy and leadership to the Washington State Legislature. We have representatives on governmental bodies that impact retirement and pension issues and we collaborate and advocate with other groups that share our vision, values, and aims.
We help sponsor re-retirement seminars throughout the Seattle area, and award (in cooperation with the PEMCO Insurance Company and the Seattle Public Schools) scholarships to future teachers and other deserving students.We also provide grants to active teachers in local schools and foster volunteer activities with Seattle School children and groups throughout the city.
WSSRA provides access to many membership benefits through the Association Members Benefits Advisors (AMBA). These benefits include special insurance rates, travel discounts, and product savings.
We consider ourselves educators for life. If you are or have been a certificated or classified school district employee in the State of Washington, from superintendent to school nurse or classroom teacher to lunchroom staff or paraprofessional, you are welcome to belong to the SSRA and thus to the WSSRA.
We hope you will explore our website and learn of our specific mission and goals. This year we will be working to increase membership and protect the health insurance benefit the State gives PEBB insured members. We will continue to provide interesting, enlightening, and entertaining meetings throughout the year. We hope to see you at one of our The Canal in Ballard meetings.
Events Calendar
New Luncheon Location
Save the date for the next luncheon/meeting!
Thursday, February, 27th SSRA will hold its next luncheon meeting. It will be held at The Swedish Club located at 1920 Dexter Avenue North in Seattle.
Our guest speaker will be Rhonda Gardner, Master Composter, who will present suggestions about soil recycling and water management as well as recycling yard waste.
The buffet lunch will cost $18. Please pay as you enter and choose your entre. Contact Patricia MacGowan at cmacgowan@comcast.net or by phone at 206 851-0232.
Contact her by FRIDAY, JANUARY 24TH.
Lunch begins at 11:30 with the speaker starting about 12:15.
A book club gathering will start at about10:00.
We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!

(Updated 01/16/2025)
Seattle School Retirees’ Association
151 South Lander ST. #C Seattle, WA 98134
206 521-5170 | ssra44@juno.com